Project & Infrastructure Advisory

Project & Infrastructure Advisory

BDO’s project & infrastructure advisory team applies a multidisciplinary blend of capabilities and approach to supporting projects. We help our clients to define, evaluate and deliver the projects and infrastructure our communities need to grow and prosper.

Our team advise on proposals and initiatives of any scale and complexity across the project lifecycle, from strategic planning, project feasibility and investment decision support, to transaction and delivery management.

We work with government and the private sector to plan, evaluate and deliver regionally significant projects and infrastructure across a range of sectors. Our team is solution-focused and we have a proven track record of working closely with our clients to deliver successful outcomes.

How BDO can help:

  • Business case development
  • Policy strategy and planning
  • Economic advisory 
  • Financial and commercial advisory
  • Procurement advisory 
  • Option analysis and assessment 
  • Risk analysis 
  • Project management and delivery 
  • Stakeholder engagement and consultation

We specialise in a range of sectors, including: transport, health, social and cultural infrastructure, tourism and sport, energy and renewables, agribusiness, resources, water and waste, agriculture, manufacturing, housing, education and justice.

Our capabilities

We provide strategic advice and develop frameworks and methodologies to support the development and evaluation of project and infrastructure proposals. Working collaboratively with our clients we assist with the clear problem and opportunity identification, understanding and articulation of the case for change, options development, and the definition of objectives and benefits for proposed investments.  

We also support clients in the development and implementation of contemporary policy and frameworks to promote best practice process and support decision-making.

We provide practical commercial and financial advice to assist in investment decision-making. We assist clients with financial modelling, commercial advice, project delivery model assessment and funding and financing strategies to ensure affordability and value for money from a whole-of-life perspective. Our advice spans:

  • Commercial, financial and strategic advice
  • Financial modelling
  • Risk assessment and analysis
  • Market sounding and delivery model assessment
  • Affordability and funding assessments
  • Procurement and transaction strategy and support.

A sound fit-for-purpose business case provides a framework for structured project evaluation that is rigorous and robust, and is the basis for effective and quality investment decision-making. By leveraging our sector expertise, knowledge and networks we assist project stakeholders and decision makers across: 

  • Investment Logic Mapping
  • Options development and evaluation
  • Business case and feasibility study development 
  • Gateway reviews and assurance processes
  • Government and funding submissions.

We provide insight into how proposed project and infrastructure investments will impact the economy and society. We evaluate the benefits, costs and trade-offs of investment, quantify their impacts economically, environmentally and socially, and identify the economic effects and impacts of different pricing and funding strategies. Our services include:

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis - Rigorously measuring the efficiency of a project and overall benefits and costs to society's welfare.
  • Demand assessments - Determining and refining the need for investment and studying factors that influence the demand for a project.
  • Economic impact analysis - Measuring impacts of a project on the economy of a specified area, in terms of impacts on employment and income and their distribution among industries and across regions.
  • Research and data analysis.

Working across the entire project lifecycle, our team will enable the right decisions to be made at the right time and drive performance, not just compliance. We are specialists in providing oversight in the  delivery of complex programs and  projects. We build productive working relationships with key project stakeholders and apply dynamic thinking to support our clients with:

  • Planning, strategy and structuring
  • Governance and operations
  • Commercial agreements
  • Contract development and management
  • Risk management
  • Funding and budget management
  • Controls, process management and reporting
  • Optimisation and value-engineering
  • Health checks and Gateway reviews.

We provide transport modelling services to assist decision makers understand how a transport system will perform in the future resulting from investment in infrastructure or pricing/service changes. To do this we develop and maintain models which represent the complex and real-world transport and land use systems. Critical to our service offering is the ability to rationalise and convey complicated concepts and outcomes in a pragmatic manner to a wide range of audiences. Our key capabilities include:

  • Strategic, mesoscopic and microsimulation transport model development
  • Road, public and active transport demand forecasting
  • Data analytics and visualisation
  • Engagement with other transport professionals (such as Economists and Financial and Commercial advisors) to provide holistic advice.

Meet our team

Sean O'Meara BDO Profile

Sean O'Meara

Regional Director - Project & Infrastructure Advisory
View Bio

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