
Retail in New Zealand

New Zealand's retail industry is changing. Evolving customer needs and expectations, shopping habits, new technology and alternative sales channels are all having a significant impact on businesses operating in the space.

As with all disruption, these elements present both risks and opportunities. Retailers need to find ways of harnessing technology in order to meet growing customer demands - but doing so creates issues around cash flow and risk management, particularly with regards to cyber security.

To survive and succeed, it's essential retailers are able to meet these challenges and embrace the opportunities. However this can be difficult without the help of a trusted adviser. That's where BDO's specialist retail advisers come in. Using the significant experience and expertise of our staff and Partners, we provide a broad range of strategic advisory, tax and accounting services to retailers.

These offerings go far beyond traditional consultancy services - our focus on strategy and data analytics will enable you to find your competitive edge, while also having the backing of full accounting support.

Put simply, we can help you not only survive these changes, but also thrive as a result of them.


View the BDO Retail Thrive series

woman being interviewed at retail garden centre

BDO Business Wellbeing Index - Retail Sector Report

The retail sector has rebounded from its high business performance scores seen in the period immediately following the 2023 General Election, with our March 2024 survey showing leaders now have a similar outlook to what they did in March 2023. Find out more in the Retail Sector findings of our BDO Business Wellbeing Index.
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retail business meeting in cafe

Behind the numbers in retail

With inflation, high interest rates and increasing staff costs, there are many challenges retailers are grappling with as they seek to remain profitable in 2023. But while retail businesses can’t control the economy, what they can control is their own numbers. Learn how to manage your numbers and cash flow to make sure that you can remain profitable, despite the economic uncertainty currently in play in Aotearoa.
Read the article here

Our National Retail sector leader

Divya Pahwa BDO Associate

Divya Pahwa

Partner, National Retail Sector Leader
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