Contact us

Get in touch with BDO for leading accounting services across New Zealand.

Get in touch with one of our offices across the country

BDO New Zealand is one of the country's largest and leading providers of professional services. We offer Audit & AssuranceTax, and Advisory services across our 20 offices nationwide - bringing us closer to our clients and their communities.

If you have any enquiries, whether it’s to ask about our range of accounting services or career opportunities, or to submit an RFP we’d love to hear from you.

Client enquiries

Find a BDO advisor here, or please select your nearest BDO location below to get in contact.

Sending mail: Previously, when mail was addressed to a BDO office physical address, NZ Post forwarded these mail items to our PO Box. NZ Post have advised this mail-forwarding process is coming to an end. To ensure your post continues to reach us without any issues, please update your records to reflect the relevant PO Box address for your local firm below.

Our senior leadership team

Click below to see details of our national senior leadership team.