Sustainability at BDO

At BDO, we recognise the growing importance of addressing sustainability issues. Our approach to sustainability is embedded in our organisation’s purpose – people helping people – and we understand the importance of meeting the expectations of all our stakeholders; clients, our people, regulators and the communities we operate in. In addition to providing sustainability advisory services to our clients, we’re committed to demonstrating transparency when it comes to our own sustainability actions as a business.  

Our approach to sustainability involves understanding and addressing material risks, ensuring diversity, protecting the environment, and responding to the demand for transparency and accountability in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters. By doing so, we can recognise threats, mitigate risks, and seize development opportunities, both for BDO and our valued clients. 

BDO New Zealand sustainability scorecard

We view BDO New Zealand’s sustainability activities under the pillars of people, planet, prosperity, and principles of governance – aligning with the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council framework. This helps provide an integrated focus to our national sustainability initiatives and opportunities, and guide us towards a sustainable future.
BDO New Zealand Sustainability Scorecard

BDO Global and sustainability

As a member of the Net-Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA), BDO has a role to play in combating climate change. BDO's global network have committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, aligning ourselves with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Through our global net-zero programme, all BDO firms - including BDO New Zealand - will follow a standardised methodology for consistent baseline emissions calculation, setting net-zero targets and reporting on our progress. This will allow for transparency, accountability and the reduction of our collective environmental impact as a global organisation.

BDO Transparency Report 2023 cover page

Transparency Report 2023

As a global organisation, BDO is committed to transparency. Our global Transparency Report for 2023 covers issues such as governance, risk and quality management, ethics and independence, public policy landscape and engagement, and sustainability.
Read the report