Resources and Templates

Resources and Templates

At BDO we aim to support the sector that does so much to support New Zealand communities. One of the key way we can do this is by sharing our information and resources with sector participants across New Zealand.

Here we have gathered a wealth of knowledge in tools that address many of the challenges faced by New Zealand Not-for-Profit entities.

Accounting Standards (GAAP)

Our accounting standard summaries are designed to help you gain a high-level overview of New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice Standards.

Model Financial Statements

These illustrative financial statements are intended as a source of general technical reference, showing suggested disclosures together with their sources. They are not intended to address the particular circumstances of any particular individual or entity.

Trustee Due Diligence Checklist

The Trustee Due Diligence Checklist provides a list of questions a person may consider before accepting a Board position.

Trustee Skills Matrix Template

This table of competencies is designed to identify the current knowledge base of a Board of Directors and to note any gaps.

Leadership and Governance - Not for Profits

This paper looks at leadership and governance in the Not-for-Profit sector.

Corporate Partnerships Matrix
We have created this matrix with a set of initial criteria to use to ensure sponsorship is carefully considered so that it works best for all parties involved. 

Reserves Matrix
Questions that can be used to determine what reserves might need to cover and to provide guidance on the target reserve level for the organisation

Key contacts

Matt Coulter | BDO Auckland

Matt Coulter

Audit & Assurance Partner, Technical Director - Assurance for BDO New Zealand, National Not-for-Profit Sector Leader
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Henry McClintock

Henry McClintock

Audit & Assurance Partner, Managing Partner BDO Wellington
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