Angela Edwards
At BDO, we understand that people, planet and profit drive Māori business above all else and so we tailor our support for Māori business with this in mind.
Angela Edwards discusses the BDO Pākihi Māori sector with Pio Terei MNZM, watch their kōrero:
BDO Pakihi TaitokerauBDO Pakihi Taitokerau is a majority Māori owned BDO Māori business advisory entity of BDO Northland. BDO Pakihi, pakihi being the Māori word for business, operates through a te ao Māori lens, balancing people, planet and profit to ensure the best outcomes for generations to come, as well as today. Learn more about BDO Pakihi here. |
Our bi-annual report explores the relationship between business performance and wellbeing in businesses leaders across New Zealand, including Māori business leaders. See our latest findings and read the report here.
Our Māori business advisers have strong relationships with the sector, and are there on the ground working with you every day. Reach out to someone from our Māori business team here, or fill out the form below to see how we can help you and your business.
Angela Edwards