Recent agenda decisions by the IFRS Interpretations Committee
Employee benefits, financial instruments, EPS and agricultural produce on bearer plants
Who is the IFRS Interpretations Committee The IFRS Interpretations Committee (Committee) is the interpretative body of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Its role is to provide guidance on financial reporting issues which have not specifically been addressed in IFRS, or where unsatisfactory or conflicting interpretations either have developed, or appear likely to develop. What are agenda decisions? Where an issue is not added to its agenda, the Committee publishes agenda decisions. These do not represent authoritative guidance, however, they set out the Committee’s rationale for not taking an issue onto its agenda. In practice, it is expected that entities reporting in accordance with IFRS will take account of and follow the agenda decisions and this is the approach which is followed by securities regulators worldwide. |
At its June 2017 meeting, the IFRS Interpretations Committee issued agenda decisions on the following accounting issues.
Relevant Accounting Standards |
Question presented to the Committee |
Summary of agenda decision |
IAS 19 Employee Benefits |
What discount rate should be used to discount employee benefit liabilities in a country that has adopted another country’s currency (e.g. Ecuador adopting USD) and there is no deep market for corporate bonds in that country? |
The depth of the market for corporate bonds of a particular currency is not limited to the country in which the entity operates. In the case of Ecuador, this means that USD corporate bonds issued in the USA, with similar terms to the Ecuadorian employee benefit liabilities, should be used if there is a deep market for corporate bonds in the USA. This matter was not added to the Committee’s agenda as IAS 19 provides an adequate basis to determine the appropriate discount rate. |
IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation |
How should centrally cleared derivative contracts be accounted for by a clearing member? |
If a transaction results in contracts within the scope of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments or IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, measurement should be in accordance with these standards. Financial assets and liabilities are accounted for separately unless offsetting requirements of IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation have been met. The hierarchy for alternative policies in IAS 8 paragraphs 10-12 only applies if IFRS 9/IAS 39 do not apply. |
IAS 33 Earnings Per Share |
How should an entity determine profit attributable to ordinary shareholders when calculating EPS in the following scenario, i.e. how should the numerator be calculated?
IAS 33, paragraph A14 requires an entity to allocate profit or loss for the period to each class of share as if all the profit or loss for the period has been distributed (i.e. a hypothetical distribution). Profit /loss attributable to ordinary shareholders is adjusted for the tax benefit resulting from a hypothetical distribution to the participating equity holders. This matter was not added to the Committee’s agenda because IAS 33 principles and requirements provide an adequate basis for determining EPS for the specified fact pattern. |
IAS 41 Agriculture |
Can fruit growing on oil palms be measured at cost instead of fair value? |
No - refer more detail below |
Can fruit growing on oil palms be measured at cost instead of fair value?
Recent changes to accounting standards mean that ‘bearer plants’, including oil palms, grape vines and tea bushes are accounted for by applying IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment using the cost or revaluation model.
IAS 41 Agriculture still requires the produce from bearer plants (e.g. picked fruit off oil palms) to be accounted for at ‘fair value less costs to sell’, both on initial recognition and at the end of each reporting period. However, paragraph 30 allows such produce to be measured at cost if the fair value presumption can be rebutted on initial recognition, i.e. if:
- Quoted market prices are not available, and
- Alternative fair value measurements are determined to be ‘clearly unreliable’.
Question for CommitteeIs fruit growing on oil palms an example of a biological asset for which an entity might rebut the fair value presumption by applying paragraph 30 of IAS 41? |
Committee’s Conclusions
For more on the above, please contact your local BDO representative.